Moving Forward
Moving Forward
After the breakout discussions on each theme, summaries were shared among all participants. Presenters welcomed all to get involved directly in the efforts, especially in advocating for these ideas and priorities with government legislators, elected officials, and even regulatory bodies such as the Public Utilities Commission. Since all these issues are interconnected, people and communities of faith were urged to emphasize what we value as a community rather than as individuals or interest groups focused on single issues.
One suggestion that encouraged further discussion was that we should be evidence-based in our advocacy. What followed were exchanges about the types of data and information we need to pursue our vision, who collects or shares that data, and how it can be accessed. In addition, there are likely important gaps in the data that are being collected. This, then, is another area of advocacy for all who care about these issues. With the right data and information, we can move the discussion from vision to strategy to implementation.
HIPL’s goals are to help continue the conversations, connect faith communities to other groups working to achieve the goals embedded in these visions, and to share stories of groups and communities working in these areas. We invite you to join us in sharing your stories and connecting us to those working to achieve a more just, equitable, sustainable, and resilient future for Hawaii.